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ASUS Releases Corporate Social Responsibility Report for Fiscal Year 2019 in Executive Summary and Detailed Report
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ASUS released the report following GRI Standards and entrusted SGS Taiwan Ltd. (SGS) to review the materiality of the report and data against the AccountAbility AA1000 Assurance Standard (2008) Type II High Level and GRI Standards Core Option, as well as PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Taiwan to assure selected information and issue a limited assurance report.
For FY2019, key information related to corporate social responsibility efforts is being presented in two reports: An Executive Summary Report provides an overview of the ASUS sustainability strategy and vision as well as key achievements and material topics, and a Detailed Report includes information that provides stakeholders with a clear understanding of ASUS governance, environmental and social policies and initiatives and the positive impacts that they are effecting across the value chain and on the environment, employees and society.
We welcome all of you to read our latest corporate sustainability report and provide feedback through our questionnaire to help us improve and enrich the content of the report.
The latest corporate sustainability reports are available under ASUS Corporate Social Responsibility Report.
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